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Sebastião Ribeiro

Sebastião Ribeiro

:telephone_receiver: +55 12 3159 9803

Research interests: Processing and Characterization of traditional and advanced ceramics.


Chemical Engineer, Master, Doctor and Pos-doctor Materials Engineer. Mainly Research Area: Ceramics Materials- Synthesis, Processing and Characterization (Concrete, Castables, Carbides, Nitrides, Alumina, Zirconia, Spinels and Clays). Supervisor: Cientific Initiation, Graduation Work, Master and Doutorate. Assessor Ad Hoc: CNPq, FAPESP e CAPES. Referee of many national and international cientic magazines.
Partnership with many Universities, Research Instituts and Companies.

Recent Publications


  1. Alves, M.F.R.P., Ribeiro, S., Suzuki, P.A., Strecker, K., & dos Santos, C. (2021) Effect of Fe2O3 Addition and Sintering Temperature on mechanical Properties and Translucence of Zirconia Dental Ceramics with Different Y2O3 Content. Materials Research, 24.

    DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-mr-2020-0402


  1. dos Santos, C., Rosa, G.O., Quintino, M.N., Alves, M.F.R.P., Ribeiro, S., & Melo-Silva, C.L. (2020) Effect of surface finishing and thickness on the translucency of zirconia dental ceramics. Ceramics International, 46, 7748–7755.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.11.278

  2. Moreno, D.D.P., Ribeiro, S., & Saron, C. (2020) Aggregates segregation in rubberized mortar. Structures, 26, 778–784.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.istruc.2020.05.009

  3. Moreno, D.D.P., Ribeiro, S., & Saron, C. (2020) Compatibilization of recycled rubber aggregate in mortar. Materials and Structures, 53.

    DOI: 10.1617/s11527-020-1456-4


  1. Ribeiro, G.C., Fortes, B.A., da Silva, L., Castro, J.A., & Ribeiro, S. (2019) Evaluation of mechanical properties of porous alumina ceramics obtained using rice husk as a porogenic agent. Cerâmica, 65, 70–74.

    DOI: 10.1590/0366-6913201965s12604
