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PEM5113 - Advanced Techniques for Data Collecting and Analysis in X-Ray Diffractometry

Form professor

Prof. Dr. Paulo Atsushi Suzuki, Prof. Dr. Fernando Vernilli Junior


Theoretical Practical Study Duration Total Credits
2 hours/week 0 hours/week 4 hours/week 15 weeks 90 hours 6
See on Janus (pt-br)

Concentration area

97135 - Conventional and Advanced Materials


The purpose of this course is to introduce and deepen the knowledge of the data acquisition and interpretation techniques of X-ray diffraction patterns in order to determine the crystal structures of materials.


A better understanding of the crystal structure of materials and their relationship with the properties (mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, optical) requires the use of improved techniques for the acquisition of high-quality data and the accurate interpretation of the results obtained by X-ray diffraction.


  1. The crystal structure: lattice, basis, space group.
  2. The X-ray diffraction technique
  3. Strategy for collecting high-quality data. Use of synchrotron radiation. Internal standard method.
  4. Factors related to the intensities: structure factor, multiplicity factor, Lorentz-polarization factor, Debye-Waller factor.
  5. Modelling functions: background, profile, surface roughness, preferred orientation.
  6. Crystal structure refinement. The Rietveld method. Refinable parameters. Interpretation of results. Agreement factors. Examples of structure refinement. Quantitative analysis.

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation consists of application of a single practical test with use of personal computer based in the refinement of a crystal structure using the Rietveld method.


It is recommended that the student has previously attended the Crystallography and X-ray Diffraction discipline (PEM 5106)


  1. B. D. Cullity e S. R. Stock, Elements of X-Ray Diffraction, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey (2001).
  2. H. P. Klug e L. E. Alexander, X-Ray Diffraction Procedures for Polycrystalline and Amorphous Materials, John Wiley, New York (1974).
  3. V. K. Pecharsky, Fundamentals of powder diffraction and structural characterization of materials, Springer, New York (2005).
  4. A. Craievich (ed.), Synchrotron Light: Applications and Related Instrumentation, v.1 e 2, World Scientific (1989).
  5. R. A. Young (ed.), The Rietveld Method, International Union of Crystallography, Oxford University Press (1993).
  6. C. O. Paiva-Santos, Aplicações do Método de Rietveld, Apostila, UNESP - Araraquara / SP.