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PEM5150 - Degradation and protection of metallic materials

Form professor

Prof. Dr. Celia Regina Tomachuk dos Santos Catuogno, Profa. Dra. Maria Ismenia Sodero Toledo Faria


Theoretical Practical Study Duration Total Credits
2 hours/week 2 hours/week 8 hours/week 15 weeks 180 hours 12
See on Janus (pt-br)

Concentration area

97135 - Magnetism and Superconductivity


The subject Degradation and Protection of Metallic Materials aims to provide students with knowledge of the fundamental aspects of the degradation of metals and metallic alloys, presenting basic concepts about the interactions between metallic materials and the typical means of engineering operations, which can influence its deterioration and consequently in its integrity and their operational life. The course focus on the main types and mechanisms of corrosion, exemplifying practical cases of failure in service. Furthermore, it aims to present and discuss the main methods of monitoring, evaluating corrosion resistance and preserving metallic materials against corrosion.



  1. Thermodynamic fundamentals: Redox reactions. Equilibrium redox system, Electrical double layer, Electrode potential, Exchange current density, Pourbaix diagram.
  2. Kinetic fundamentals: Redox system out of equilibrium, Factors that influence corrosion rate, Mixed potential theory, Polarization and Passivation.
  3. Forms of corrosion: Uniform, Pitting, Crevice Corrosion, Intergranular and Transgranular, Corrosion associated with mechanical factors (Stress Corrosion Cracking and Corrosion Fatigue), Damage caused by hydrogen (Hydrogen blistering and Hydrogen embrittlement). Practical cases of failure in service.
  4. Corrosion Prevention: Cathodic and Anodic Protection, Inhibitors and Coatings.
  5. Corrosion tests: field performance, and accelerated corrosion test (in chambers, immersion and electrochemical tests)
  6. Adequate designs to minimize the corrosion phenomenon. Case Study.

Evaluation criteria

Evaluations will be through individual tests or teamwork, depending on the program content. The final grade will be the arithmetic average of the evaluations carried out.


  1. ROBERGE, P.R. “Corrosion engineering principles and practice”, Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2008
  2. GENTIL, V. “Corrosão”, Ed. LTC, 6a Ed., 2011
  3. RAMANATHAM, L.V. “Corrosão e seu Controle”, Ed. Hemus, 3a Ed., 1997.
  4. FONTANA, M.G. “Corrosion Engineering”, Ed. McGraw-Hill, 3a Ed., 1987.
  5. SHREIR, L.L. “Corrosion”, Ed. Newnes-Buterworths, 2a Ed., 1976, v.1 e v.2
  6. SCHWEITZER, P. “Corrosion: Fundamentals of Mechanisms, Causes, and Preventive Methods”, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.
  7. MARCUS, P., MANSFELD, F. Analytical methods in corrosion science and engineering, CRC Press, 2006.
  8. TICIANELLI, E.A., GONZÁLEZ, E.R. “Eletroquímica, princípios e aplicações”, EDUSP, 2a Ed., 2005.
  9. WOLYNEC, S. “Técnicas eletroquímicas em corrosão”, EDUSP, 2003.
  10. DUTRA, A.C., NUNES, L.P. “Proteção catódica – técnica de combate à corrosão”, Ed. McKlaussen, Rio de Janeiro, 1991.
  11. FOFANO, S., JAMBO, H.C.M. “Corrosão: Fundamentos, Monitoração e Controle”, Ed. Ciência Moderna, 2009.