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PEM5141 - Polymers Degradation, Stabilization, Aging and Recycling

Form professor

Prof. Dr. Clodoaldo Saron


Theoretical Practical Study Duration Total Credits
4 hours/week 2 hours/week 6 hours/week 15 weeks 180 hours 12
See on Janus (pt-br)

Concentration area

97135 - Conventional and Advanced Materials


To qualify the postgraduate student to development researches in the area of polymeric materials related to the degradation caused by thermomechanical processing, ultraviolet radiation, thermal exposition at long period of time and microorganism. At the end of course, the student should have knowledge to choose appropriate additives that can extend the lifetime of polymers or accelerate their degradation as well as their permanence in the environment. The description on methods for aging and recycling of polymers will allow also that the student will can evaluate the potential of reuse of polymeric waste from post consume and postindustrial origin.


The discipline PEM5141 is the only of the Program of Post-Graduation in Engineering of Materials – PPGEM that describes the subject on thermo-mechanical processing of polymer, additives, degradation, stabilization and recycling of polymers. Therefore, this course strengthens the set of disciplines of the PPGEM and offers an option for students that wish specialization in the area of polymeric materials.


Evaluation criteria


  1. De Paoli, M.A. Degradação e estabilização de polímeros. 1. Ed., Artiliber editora, São Paulo, 2009.
  2. Rabello, M.S.; De Paoli, M.A. Aditivação de termoplásticos. 1ª. Ed. Artliber editora. São Paulo, 2013.
  3. Piva, A.M. Reciclagem do plástico – como fazer da reciclagem um negócio lucrativo. 1ª. Ed., Artliber editora, São Paulo, 2004.
  4. Fairgrieve, S. degradation and stabilization f aromatics polyesteres. 1a. Ed., iSmisssthers Rapra Publ., London, 2009.
  5. Fairgrieve, S. Degradation and stabilization ou polyamides, 1ª. Ed., iSmisthers Rapra Publ., London, 2008.
  6. Goodship, V. Introduction to plastics recycling. 2ª. Ed., iSmisthers Rapra Publi., London, 2007.