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PEM5135 - Technology of Refractory Ceramic Materials

Form professor

Prof. Dr. Fernando Vernilli Junior


Theoretical Practical Study Duration Total Credits
4 hours/week 0 hours/week 8 hours/week 15 weeks 180 hours 12
See on Janus (pt-br)

Concentration area

97135 - Conventional and Advanced Materials


Provide knowledge in Technology of Refractory Ceramic Materials involving raw materials, processing, application and main wear mechanisms in operation, in order to improve the formation of graduate students in Materials Science and Engineering applies in all segments industry.


Refractory materials are generic enablers of process industries transformation. Without them it wouldn’t be possible to generate and maintain heat or control reactions at high temperatures. Without them it we wouldn’t have developed any kind of technology and therefore would have been no advance in civilization. The field of Refractory Ceramic Materials Technology is a tool for the economic development of any country is sustainable, especially our industrial park is grounded in basic industry. It is for this purpose that the course of Refractory Ceramic Materials should be offered in PPGEM.


  1. Introduction to Technology of Refractory Ceramic;
  2. Raw materials used in refractories (characteristics and synthesis);
  3. Refractory materials unformed (Characteristics, applications and processing);
  4. Refractory materials formed (characteristics, applications and processing).
  5. Fundamentals and behavior of corrosion in refractories;
  6. Methodology to ‘’Post Mortem” studies;
  7. Case studies.

Evaluation criteria

The course evaluation will be by application of a manuscript test, experimental activities and analysis of several scientific papers related to the topics studied.


1 - Carniglia, S.C.; Barna, G.L. Handbook of industrial refractories technology. Noyes Publications. 2004; 2 - Heinrich J.G. Introduction to the Principles of Ceramic Forming. CFI Publication. 1995; 3 - Plibrico Japan Company. Technology of Monolithic refractories. Toppan printing Company. 1984; 4 - BERGERON, CLIFTON G.; RISBUD, SUBHASH H. Introduction to phase 3. Levin, E.M. Phase Diagrams for Ceramists. The American Ceramic Society. 1964; 5 - Kingery, W.D. Introduction to Ceramics. John Wiley, 1970.; 6 - Kingery, W.D. Ceramic Fabrication Process. MIT Press e John Wiley, 1958; 7 - Reed, J.S. Introduction to the Principles of ceramics Processing, John Wiley, 1988; 8 - Kang, S.J.L. Sintering. Elsevier. 2005; 9 - Lee, B.I. Chemical Processing of Ceramics. Marcel Dekker Inc. 1994equilibria in ceramics. Westerville: The American Ceramic Society, 1984; 10 - R. J. Fordham; D.J. Baxter; T. Graziani corrosion of advanced ceramics Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, c1996. 11 – Artigos científicos diversos