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PEM5108 - Work hardening, recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth.

Form professor

Prof. Dr. Hugo Ricardo Zschommler Sandim


Theoretical Practical Study Duration Total Credits
4 hours/week 0 hours/week 8 hours/week 15 weeks 180 hours 12
See on Janus (pt-br)

Concentration area

97135 - Conventional and Advanced Materials


The aim of this discipline is providing the graduate student with a comprehensive view of the phenomena that occur during annealing of metals and strain-hardened alloys. Based on the understanding of the called work-hardened (cold-worked) state, the graduate student can understand the important microstructural changes (solid-state reactions) that occur during annealing. Phenomena that occur during recovery of the microstructure such as polygonization, the formation of sub-grains and their growth are presented and discussed, as well as the relationship between recovery and recrystallization. The nucleation of recrystallization, the recrystallization laws, the effect of stacking fault energy in work hardening and recrystallization JMAK model for describing the recrystallization kinetics and techniques for the characterization of recrystallization are presented with the largest number of possible practical examples. In the case of samples annealed at higher temperatures, other phenomena such as normal and abnormal grain growth may occur. The thermodynamic potential for the occurrence of these reactions in the solid state, and the potential retarding effects are presented. Experimental activities can be planned during the course in order to fix the theoretical knowledge.


The industrial and technological importance of the phenomena discussed in this discipline is evident. Cold working (strain hardening), recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth occur commonly in most current industrial processes. Understanding the mechanisms that control these phenomena (solid-state reactions) is paramount, in particular those related to the processing of metallic materials segment. The large number of academic and industrial examples presented throughout the course help to consolidate the concepts presented in the lectures. The course is richly illustrated and helps to understand how the microstructural changes occurring during annealing affect the properties of the metal material (mechanical properties and crystallographic texture).


  1. Introduction: History; Thermomechanical processing of metals and alloys (cold and hot deformation)
  2. Cold-worked state: Microstructural evolution during plastic deformation; Stages of hardening; Factors influencing the hardening; Stored energy during plastic deformation; Deformation textures.
  3. Structure and energy of boundaries: Low angle boundaries; High angle boundaries; Boundary mobility
  4. Recovery: Definition; Experimental determination of the extent of recovery; Annihilation of microstructural defects; Rearrangement of dislocations (polygonization and subgrain formation); Dynamic recovery; Extended recovery Effect of solutes and second phase particles on recovery.
  5. Recrystallization: Features affecting recrystallization; Recrystallization kinetics; “Nucleation” of recrystallization; Recrystallization textures. Experimental techniques to study recrystallization.
  6. Grain growth: Definition; Theories and models for grain growth; Grain growth kinetics; Influence of orientation and texture in grain growth; Particle-effects on grain growth; Abnormal grain growth (secondary recrystallization).

Evaluation criteria

Two written tests ranging from 0 to 10.


  1. HUMPHREYS, F.J., HATHERLY, M., Recrystallization and Related Annealing Phenomena. Pergamon, 2004.
  2. HAESSNER, F. (ed.). Recrystallization of Metallic Materials. Dr. Riederer Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart, 1978.
  3. DOHERTY, R. D. et al., Current Issues in Recrystallization: A Review, Mat. Science Engineering, v. A238, n. 7, p. 219, 1997.
  4. MUGHRABI, H. (Ed.) Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Materials: Materials Science Technology, vol. 6, VCH, 1993.
  5. PADILHA, A.F., SICILIANO, Jr., F., Encruamento, Recristalização, Crescimento de Grão e Textura. São Paulo: ABM, 1996.
  6. Plastic Deformation Structures. In: ASM Handbook. Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International, 1990, v.9, p. 684-691.
  7. NES, E. Recovery Revisited, Acta metallurgical, Materials. V. 43, p. 2189, 1995.
  8. BLUM, W. and McQUEEN, H. J., Dynamics of Recovery and Recrystallization, Materials Science. Forum v. 217-222, p. 31, 1996.