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PEM5103 - Materials Science

Form professor

Prof. Dr. Hugo Ricardo Zschommler Sandim, Profa. Dra. Maria José Ramos Sandim, Prof. Dr. Carlos Angelo Nunes


Theoretical Practical Study Duration Total Credits
4 hours/week 0 hours/week 8 hours/week 15 weeks 180 hours 12
See on Janus (pt-br)

Concentration area

97135 - Conventional and Advanced Materials


Materials Science is a course that covers the main topics related to Materials Science and Engineering. Aspects such as atomic structure, spatial organization of matter, crystal defects, X-ray diffraction, amorphous materials (non-crystalline) solid-state diffusion, phase transformations, the microstructure-property relationship and the main material properties (mechanical, thermal, optical, electrical, magnetic and superconducting) are presented in a didactic way and by applying in practical cases to fix the concepts. Tests and visits to laboratories complement the activities taught in this course.


This course aims to present the main concepts of Materials Science and Engineering to graduate students. This course has been considered MANDATORY allowing the student to understand and associate the concepts linked to the STRUCTURE-PROPERTIES relationship and how the microstructure modification can improve performance as well as optimize the processing of materials.


  1. Atomic bonds: Atomic structure; ionic bond; coordination number; covalent bond; metallic bond; van der Waals bond.
  2. Crystal structure: the seven systems and fourteen Bravais lattices; structures of metals, ceramics, polymers and semiconductors; directions and atomic planes; Bragg’s Law and X-ray diffraction.
  3. Defects in non-crystalline crystals and structures: a solid solution; point defects; linear defects (dislocations); Planar defects (interfaces); non-crystalline solid; quasicrystals; microscopy.
  4. Solid-state diffusion: thermally activated processes; Thermal production of point defects; Point defects and diffusion in the solid state; diffusion at steady state; Alternative diffusion paths.
  5. Phase Diagram: the phase rule; the phase diagram: eutectic transformations; eutectoid and peritectic; microstructural development during slow cooling.
  6. Kinetics, Heat Treatment: TTT diagram; diffusional transformations; transformations non-diffusion; Heat treatment of steels; martensitic transformation; precipitation hardening; annealing; Cold working; recovery; recrystallization; the kinetics of phase transformation applied to non-metals (ceramics and polymers).
  7. Microstructure-property relationhip: practical examples applied to mechanical and electrical properties.

Evaluation criteria

Two written tests with grades ranging from 0 to 10.


The educational activities are supplemented by visits to the laboratories where learning is facilitated by conducting small experiments and/or observation of microstructures.


  1. Callister Junior, W.D. Ciência e Engenharia dos Materiais. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2002. 589 p. ISBN 85 - 216 - 1288-5.
  2. Shackelford, J. F. Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers. New Jersey. Prentice Hall, 2000. 2. 877 p. ISBN 0-13-011287-9.